Creative Arts
Creative Arts
Meeting time:
Tuesday 12.30pm – 3.30pm
in Studio 2
The Creative Arts group welcomes artists interested in working through any medium (pastel, acrylic, oil, watercolour, pencil or ink drawing) with a view to sharing new trends in the arts and/or exploring new avenues of creating art.
Potential members may be experienced and wish to further their talents by sharing ideas, or simply be interested
in pursuing a direction in art that is unfamiliar. Experience is not essential.
Inexperience in art will not be a barrier as members will cooperate in exploring contemporary directions in art.
There will be members who will happily share ideas gained through workshops and individual research.
Potential members should bring favourite supports and painting medium, or come armed with drawing paper and tools.
All interested in joining, should ring Sandra Hoppe on 0437 017 898 for more information.
A weekly fee of $4 applies. All members of the group must be members of BICAS.