The Bribie Island Gem & Fossicking Club Inc. is an incorporated organisation established to provide superior lapidary hobbyists of gemstones, rock, minerals, fossils and associated crafts in Bribie Island and adjoining communities.
1. To promote the hobby aspects of lapidary and jewellery handicraft and gem and mineral fossicking, through educational
and social activities, field excursions, exhibitions, displays, training workshops and like activities.
2. To acquire and maintain premises and equipment necessary to support these Club activities.
Fossicking: A Club recreational activity is held regularly going to prospective fossicking areas to find minerals and gemstones.
Cabochon: A gemstone which has been shaped & polished as opposed to faceted. The procedure is to cut a slab of a rough rock found
whilst fossicking with a slab saw, then grind and polish to the shape required.
Faceting: To the average person, viewing a magnificently faceted diamond or coloured gemstone, the complexity appears awesome.
The reward of a faceted gemstone is magical.
Silversmithing: Our Club has escalated to great heights over recent years. Displayed in our Club Rooms are silver bracelets, rings,
chains, brooches, pendants and many other jewellery items that are entirely hand crafted by members from our Lapidary Club.
Visitors are often amazed at the excellent workmanship on display from such talented hobbyists.
Membership forms are available from the Club Coordinator at our Club premises which are within the grounds, behind and to the left
of the Arts Centre, or enquiries can be made directly through the email address:

We are at the Clubhouse, at left to the rear of the Arts Centre.
Opening hours:
Monday 8am - 1pm - General
Monday 4pm - 7pm - Silversmithing/Cabbing/Faceting/Casting
Tuesday 8am - 1pm - General
Wednesday 8am - 1pm - General
Saturday 8am - 1pm - General
For more information contact:
Maz Naci (President)
Mob: 0422 776 968
Merelyn Matthews
Mob: 0438 347 078